by kathy | Blog, habits, thriving in middle age
As I write this I am sitting on the floor. Right now i have one leg straight out to the side and one leg bent. In a moment I will shift my position to introduce another geometry to my body. The reason I tell you this is because I want to introduce you to the concept...
by kathy | Blog, habits, philosophy, thriving in middle age
I have not made a New Year’s Resolution for a while now. It was a combination of low success rate and high expectations that lead me to reconsider the practice. 🙂 The resolutions themselves also tended to be narrow in the way they focused on behavior rather...
by kathy | Blog, habits, thriving in middle age, yummy things
Welcome to December! Here are a couple of questions to contemplate…. What does December mean to you? Are you busier than usual? Do you eat more and let go of your usual routines? Is it joyful? Does it include more social time with people you love (related or...
by kathy | Blog, fashion, habits, thriving in middle age
Hello dear ones! This month for my favorite things list, I am back to skin care. In this post, I talked about the importance of sunscreen and that is still true in the winter. In this post I talked about my favorite wrinkle cream and I still use it consistently. This...
by kathy | Blog, habits, thriving in middle age
If i asked you if you moved today, you might say ‘not much’ if you haven’t “exercised”. These things seem quite similar but “exercise is movement but not all movement is exercise.” as Katy Bowman says in her book “Move your DNA”. Blinking, breathing, getting...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, habits, thriving in middle age
Here we are in the middle of summer! I hope you are enjoying the season and getting some sunshine. My three favorite things this month are sunscreens! I use each of them at different times. By far, the most important anti aging product you can use is sunscreen. I...