by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fun
I had a lovely Christmas/Solstice season this year with friends and family and although we don’t spend a lot on gifts, I got some super good presents this year! 1. One of the things I got from my daughter is this sweet little body scrub from Lush and I love it- I am...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, yummy things
Another post about food! I will move on from this topic next month I promise but since I have been asked about this, I’m going to share some recipe ideas. I really enjoy eating at restaurants once in a while. Dinner out with friends is fun but for the most part...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, thriving in middle age, weight loss, yummy things
Understanding Protein Needs: What You Need to Thrive Many people think that meeting the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is enough to stay healthy, but it might not be sufficient for thriving. If your goals include building or maintaining muscle, or even...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, philosophy
This month I have put together the most beautiful youtube video playlist for you. A channel called Green Renaissance makes some really compelling video portraits of people and Jenny Jackson is my favorite so far. The first video in the playlist is called “Now...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, habits
Life ebbs and flows, especially in the summer. You might take a break for a month and sometimes getting back into a routine with some exercise seems like something to put off. But doing something doesn’t mean doing everything. Some things to ask yourself. What seems...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, exercise equipment
You know how a carpenter loves to buy new tools? I get super excited about a new exercise gadget. I have been working out at home since the pandemic hit and I love it. I don’t have a full gym set up but between my kettlebells, resistance bands and massage balls, I’m...