by kathy | Blog, thriving in middle age
We all know exercise is good for us. But do you ever wonder, what type of exercise is best? There are so many choices! Here are ten components to consider in order to be well rounded in your physical fitness. 1. Mobility and motor control. Being fit means moving well...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, Uncategorized
If you have read my blog before, you know I am serious about my sunscreen. Not just because I am a redhead, but because I think it is the number one thing you can do to keep your skin healthy and looking good. I hate a lot of products on my face and don’t really like...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fashion, yummy things
In this time of isolating and quarantine, things seem to be changing so rapidly. In addition to the physical, mental and emotional consequences of this situation, there are very real economic consequences for many businesses. Especially small business. ...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fashion, fun
This month has been very unusual and strange. With what is happening in the world right now, it is hard to be light hearted and find things to love – but I feel like we need to have a little diversion! Â Here are three things that I love this month. Pajama...
by kathy | 3 things, fun, thriving in middle age, Travel
I have three places I have especially loved so far on my trip to Mexico. practicing in the villa we had all to ourselves in Oaxaca City Our first retreat took place in Oaxaca city and it was magical! I loved the arts and crafts, the town square and the food! Playa San...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog
The three things I love this month are some articles I have enjoyed reading recently. The first one is about walking! Walking is the most natural of human movements and something we can take for granted. I love walking and have been doing a ton of it here in...
by kathy | 3 things, self-care
The three things I love this month are things I think I really need but I never tend to purchase on impulse. So I am going to ask for your feedback – do you think these are cool ideas or a waste of money? Number one is called “Tushy”. I heard about...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, fashion, fun, self-care, thriving in middle age
Some things are expensive but worth it – but some things you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on in my opinion. For example, I actually hardly ever wear eyeshadow – it doesn’t seem necessary in my work life 🙂 Besides, I never really learned how to use...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fun
Maybe it’s the early darkness or the cold start but November has me feeling a little blue. Am I the only one who uses music to lift my spirits? Maybe you have a favorite song you go to if you need to feel better? I’m sharing three videos I love this month. Beyonce, Ed...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fashion, fun, self-care, thriving in middle age
This month I have things that I love that I paid a little more for than I might normally. Two are makeup and the last one is a supplement. I usually go for the simple and inexpensive option, especially in cosmetics. Often the expensive makeup is just expensive because...