by kathy | 3 things, beauty, fashion
I have always liked the color pink. For certain skin tones, it can be so fresh and youthful to wear pink. I know it is associated with ‘pink for girls and blue for boys’ but both colors are beautiful and I think we have moved on from these gender associations- thank...
by kathy | Blog, thriving in middle age
When I was growing up, it seemed like women had their own special forms of exercise that were different than men’s. We had Jazzercise and Jane Fonda (and then yoga and pilates) and they had the weight room. You had to be brave to venture in there. Now we know better....
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fashion, fun
I found myself downtown last week to pick up a book from Indigiospirit and while there, I wandered into La Maison Simons. I hardly ever go downtown – let’s face it I hardly go anywhere – but it was a productive trip and I got some cool stuff. The...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, self-care, thriving in middle age
This month I am going to keep it simple, inexpensive and all about my current favorites in skincare. The first is a skin ointment I discovered in the baby section of Shoppers Drug Mart and I’m kinda obessed with it.  This healing ointment is sold in the US by...
by kathy | 3 things, habits, thriving in middle age, yummy things
A while ago I decided I wanted to build more muscle mass. Which is not as easy as it sounds! My reasons? The more I looked into it, the more I saw more muscle mass was an answer to SO MANY ‘problems’ of aging. Metabolism is increased with more muscle mass. Pain is...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, thriving in middle age
This month’s ‘three things I love’ theme is menopause. What can I possibly love about menopause you ask? Well, no more periods is the big one, along with never having to worry about getting pregnant again! The less than positive aspects are real too though. I won’t...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, thriving in middle age
Did you know your eyes are technically a part of your brain? The only part of the brain that is on the outside of your scull. I think that is SO COOL, but I’m nerdy like that.* Anyway, I’m also old and with that sometimes comes DRY eyes. I have always had rabbit eyes...
by kathy | Blog, Movement tips
Someone asked me this recently and it is such a good question! (thanks Leslie!) Maybe your yoga teacher has told you to ‘hug your elbows close to your sides’ when doing a pushup or a chaterunga in yoga class. Maybe someone even told you that this would prevent...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, self-care
I love a good DIY beauty project. Crazy eyebrows, chin hairs and thinning hair are things both men and women face as we age. Personal grooming challenges are something we can all share! But if you have ever tried to get a man to moisturize, (and I have) you know the...