Never Surrender

  I recently heard about a yoga teacher who had to retire because of ongoing wrist issues. A close friend told me she has given up on push ups because of a painful elbow injury. Another student wants to know why her balance is getting worse and worse even though...

Tone your vagus baby

Never mind your abs – toning your vagus nerve is the latest thing in the fitness and yoga world. Your vagus is your longest cranial nerve. It starts in your brain and travels down through your torso. It’s known as the “wandering nerve” because it has...

Love your body

Love your body. Befriending your body is one of the gifts of yoga that I hope is central to my teachings. I want you to love your body the way it is right now. I have been trained to see the beauty in you. I have been trained to look for what is going right first and...

Perfect Posture?

Perfect Posture.  Is it possible? To answer that you have to ask, what exactly is posture? Merriam Webster defines it as,  “the way in which your body is positioned when you are sitting or standing.” Your posture is a response to geometry, habit, environment and what...