Five ways you should move at 50 – part four

Ok, we are on number four and this may be the most unusual one of all.                                  # 4 Rolling. I’m not talking about rolling on the balls or foam rolling this...

Five ways you should move after 50 – part three

#3 The Squat You knew I was going say this right? As far as human movements we tend to lose, squatting is right up there. The squat is something that it’s worth trying to cultivate though because it has a lot of ‘bang for your buck’. Squatting with a neutral spine is...

Five ways you should move after 50 – part two

#2 Get ups. Since number one was spending a little time on the floor it may not seem like rocket science that number two is getting back up. Get ups are a real exercise though and I love them as they are super functional. But there are as many ways to get up...

Five ways you should be able to move after 50 – part one

#1  Spending a little time on the floor. I’m not suggesting you need to get rid of your furniture or spend your whole day down there. I once went to someone’s house for dinner and we sat on cushions on the floor during the meal. My partner at the time was not...