by kathy | Blog, exercise equipment, thriving in middle age
I stumbled across this facinating paper a couple of years ago called “Promoting Healthy Ageing with Kettlebell Training: A Pragmatic Controlled Trial and Qualitative Study by Neil Meigh Since the paper is 360 pages long, I thought I’d write about what...
by kathy | 3 things, beauty, Blog, fashion
At this time of year if you live in Canada you are really ready for Spring! This month I have been loving these 3 things. You all know I love my sunscreen and there are lots of good ones out there but the ones from Korea or Japan are next level in terms of protection...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, fun, Travel
This month I have three things that share a loose common theme – travel and being away from home. I have recently been traveling and my first favorite thing is one of the places I have just been. It is the city of Guanajuato in Mexico. I went there with a group...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, exercise equipment, Travel
While travelling in Mexico, there are a few things I really enjoy having. The first is a good sunscreen! Did you guess this? I’m a redhead after all. This one called Haru Haru Wonder is my new favorite. It is completely colorless, moisturizing and effective. It...
by kathy | 3 things, Blog, Travel
I recently spent a couple of weeks in Canmore for a little holiday and it was super fun. We skied and skated and walked and ate really well. Staying in a condo or house has its advantages in my opinion, you can cook for yourself it you want to. Eating out all the time...