In order to make things easier for you (and for me) I am introducing an option for automatic registration and payment each month.
This recurring payment option will eliminate the need for you to register each month. You can cancel or put it on hold at any time. By simply cancelling the payment by the first of the month you will not be charged. I will be changing the pricing of the zoom classes a little in the coming months and if you sign up for this no obligation recurring payment option, your price will remain steady until you cancel.
The credit card information is processed through and retained by Stripe so it is safe and secure. You will get the invites and all the library information on the first of each month at about 7 am. You will have a “My Account” that you can access at any time to make changes.
If you prefer to pay the way you have been -that option is also available. Thank you so much for helping me continue this online zoom movement club we have created. It is so wonderful to see you all at the end of class!
I love teaching this way and I will continue to figure out and evolve how to keep it going. If you have a minute, can you give me some feedback? Here is the feedback form.
Here is the link to sign up!