1. Every December (before stupid COVID 19)  I used to host what i called the tea and oranges night at my little studio in Haysboro. It was a gathering for all my students attending classes there. I liked the reference to that Leonard Cohn song called “Suzanne”.  I still want to connect and be able to chat a little, so this new format of zoom social gathering is going to be an experiment in gathering socially and virtually together. It will be an hour long and there will be chatting and perhaps some dancing?


2. The gathering has always been my way of saying thank you to my students. I can’t supply the shortbread this year, but I can recommend a delivery service I will be using myself that night to order some yummy food. You could also make your own snacks! The event takes place December 12 at 5 – 6pm.


3. I want you to talk to friends and to see each other. There are so many smart, interesting and accomplished people in my classes.


4. I want to see you all in your little square with your hair combed? haha but really- let’s dress up a little ok? COVID semi-formal. Can’t wait to see what that means.


5. I want to have some FUN! is it too much to ask? 🙂


I hope you can join me! Get in on all the classes this month